It was a nice week for our members who used our uptrend support alert as an entry point. For the week the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 390.84 points, or 3.01%. The Standard Poor's 500 Index gained 40.44 points, or 2.81%, while the Nasdaq Composite gained 64.36 points, or 2.48%. The Financial sector and Materials were the strongest sectors last week. A week ago the Energy was the strongest sector but last week it became the weakest one. Conglomerates and Financial are the most oversold sectors while Utilities is still remaining the most overvalued sector followed by Healthcare. Industrial Equip Wholesale, Semiconductor-Memory Chips, Regional-Pacific Banks, and Residential Construction are the most oversold industries while Specialized Health Svcs, Tobacco Products Other, and Beverages-Soft Drinks are the most overvalued industries. |
Presented by Research Group. |
Stock market, S&P 500 index, SPY, QQQQ and Nasdaq trends and technical analysis including technical indicators, chart patterns, channeling, stock market timing, technical alerts and stock pick.